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Crash course for new parliamentarians
Dominik Hangartner presented external page IPL research in a two-day seminar fo newly elected members of the Swiss National Council. The seminar was organized to equip new parliamentarians with scientific expertise in key policy areas.

European Support for Asylum Seekers Proves Surprisingly Durable
external page New research from external page IPL shows that European support for asylum seekers remained remarkably stable across the Syrian (2015–16) and Ukrainian (2022) refugee protection crises. Learn more about the results Download here (PDF, 2.6 MB).

Latsis Symposium 2023: Tackling Online Hate Speech and Strengthening Public Discourse
We are organizing the Latsis Symposium 2023 which will take place from Sep. 6- 8 and connect scientists, online news platforms and civil society actors. Join us and register external page here

Restricting Refugees' Employment Opportunities
In a joint external page study with KOF, we show that restricting labor market access for refugees reduces their earnings and employment. Learn more about the results in our Download research brief (German) (PDF, 523 KB)

Public Discourse Foundation
Together with external page alliance F we set up Switzerland’s first foundation for online public discourse. The external page Public Discourse Foundation will take an in-depth look at hate speech and its impact on democracy.

Do Immigrants Move to Welfare?
A external page new study finds limited evidence that immigrants engage in 'welfare migration' in Switzerland. Find out more about the results in our Download research brief (PDF, 198 KB).

Online Hate Speech
In a external page new study we provide experimental evidence for which counterspeech strategies can reduce racist online hate speech. Find out more about the result here.

Raymond Boudon Award
Dominik Hangartner received the external page Raymond Boudon Award for Early Career Achievement. The award has been established to promote rigorous standards in Sociology and to recognize scholars under age 40 or within ten years after defending their dissertation.

Selected Publications

external page Monitoring Hiring Discrimination through Online Recruitment Platforms
Dominik Hangartner, Daniel Kopp and Michael Siegenthaler, Nature (2021).

external page Attitudes Toward Migrants in a Highly Impacted Economy: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan
Ala' Alrababa'h, Andrea Dillon, Scott Williamson, Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner and Jeremy Weinstein, Comparative Political Studies (2021).

external page The Effect of Citizenship on the Long-Term Earning of Marginalized Immigrants: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Switzerland
Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner and Dalston Ward, Sciences Advances (2019).

external page Ethnic Networks Can Foster The Economic Integration of Refugees
Linna Martén, Jens Hainmueller and Dominik Hangartner, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019).

external page Does Direct Democracy Hurt Immigrant Minorities? Evidence from Naturalization Decisions in Switzerland
Jens Hainmueller and Dominik Hangartner, American Journal of Political Science (2019).

external page Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile?
Dominik Hangartner, Elias Dinas, Moritz Marbach, Konstantinos Matakos and Dimitrios Xefteris, American Political Science Review (2019).

external page Improving Refugee Integration through Data-Driven Algorithmic Assignment Kirk Bansak, Jeremy Ferwerda, Jens Hainmueller, Andrea Dillon, Dominik Hangartner and Duncan Lawrence, Science (2018).

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