Francisco Tomás-Valiente Jordá

Leonhardshalde 21
CH-​8092 Zurich

Francisco is a PhD student at the Public Policy Group and the Immigration Policy Lab. His doctoral research, funded by a Doc.CH grant, employs quasi-experimental and experimental designs, alongside NLP and survey methods, to study how parties use moral rhetoric to electorally compete against exclusionary parties like the far right. His interests lie at the intersection of political behaviour, party politics and political communication, with a focus on morality in politics, election campaigns, and attitudes towards minorities.

He previously worked as a pre-doctoral researcher at the Immigration Policy Lab, studying online discourse, as well as antisemitism in 19th Century Switzerland. Before that, he completed a Master's in Comparative and International Studies at ETH Zürich and University of Zürich, and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at King's College London. His Master's Thesis explored whether joining Cabinet led politicians to receive more online incivility, and whether such penalty was larger for women in politics.


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