Stefan M. Schütz

Stefan Schütz

Leonhardshalde 21
LEH  C 2
CH-8092 Zurich

Stefan joined the Public Policy Group in 2017. He completed the M.Sc. programme in Sustainable Development at the University of Basel in 2016. During his studies, he focused on energy economics and the nexus between climate change and human migration. In 2011, he received his B.A. in Philosophy from the university of Freiburg i.Ü.

He started his doctoral studies in Political Science at ETH Zurich in 2017. His dissertation focuses on refugee resettlement processes and the effects of resettlement policies on the integration of refugees into their host countries. Stefan’s general interest is in the effects of policies and societal context on the integration of foreigners, and refugees in particular.

As a research assistant, he worked in different research projects on education, immigration, immigrant integration, and methodology at the university of Zurich from 2012 to 2017. Since 2018 Stefan is a beneficiary of the Swiss National Science Foundation's Doc.CH grant. 

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